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Sunday, 15 January 2017

Tailor Made By V Huttley The Lucky 7 Oberon Fly Reels Part 4

It's kind of fitting that the same week that Bell's Brewery released the first batch of Oberon for the summer season that Vince Huttley of Tailor Made By V. Huttley would get back in the shop for an update on "The Lucky 7" fly reels.

Since the last update, Vince has had some life changes but he's back in the shop with enthusiasm to get this project finished up and I'm ready to have one of these in my hands soon.  

If this is the first post you've seen of this project, then get caught up HERE, HERE, and HERE.

Vince wrote...  "I've had a slow few months with the new addition to the family and the new day job consuming most of my time.  As for progress, all the aluminum parts have been returned from anodizing and the fit out starts.  I will let the photos explain most of these steps.  Machining all the screws, bushes, axles for these from brass is fairly time consuming as tolerances need to be quite tight.  After all the bits are made, it's just assembling all parts and fine tuning the reel to make sure there's no rubbing and all is aligned.  The next step is to create the wooden fly boxes."

All "Lucky 7" fly reels are spoken for, but that doesn't mean that you still can't follow along with the latest shop news on the Tailor Made By V. Huttley website as well as Facebook and Instagram too.

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