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Thursday, 6 April 2017

Optimist dinghy kit

The Optimist dinghy kit needs to be understood as the later wood/epoxy design and not the very early wood design which was far more complicated to assemble.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Please note we have changed our address and phone number since we printed the flyer.

The web address remains and you will find a section for the Optimist dinghy there.

We can ship to most places, the kit in the pictures below leaves for Zurich, Switzerland in the morning.

This is our builders jig, its free when you order six kits.

The items are stacked like a deck of cards.

The wood is supplied as an extra, the fumed silica, micro balloons and glass tape are part of the kit.

The booklet is a painting guide by International Paints, that is free.

The silica and micro balloons are mixed around 50/50 to make a filler paste and bog to do fillets in the corners of the boat, we can supply the epoxy to use with the filler but only when shipped by sea.
The glass tape is the jointing tape to hold the bottom panel to the side, front and back panels.


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